Javelina whispering

https://videopress.com/v/hSkgAicV?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true A squadron of javelinas, or collared peccaries, making their way down our alley. Watch for the babies and turn up your sound to hear them squeaking and snorting. They like to nibble on the particular Prickly Pear next to our fence but leave other varieties in our front yard alone.

Leafy goodness: Designing your own cigar

It's been 5 months since our amazing journey to Nicaragua with Colin Ganley and Andrea Woolverton of Cigar Tourism for the express purpose of experiencing the cigar culture of that country. To our delight, Colin and Andrea did a masterful job of introducing us to all things Nicaraguan - history, culture, politics, food, climate, coffee, rum …

Continue reading Leafy goodness: Designing your own cigar

The greatest cigar experience of my life (so far)

The following guest post is from musician, business continuity consultant, father and cigar lover, Doug Cassell: Brothers of the Leaf, What follows is the story of the greatest cigar experience of my life (so far). I have waited to write this up, partially so I could attempt to come up with words that can describe …

Continue reading The greatest cigar experience of my life (so far)